Patron: Pavitra Atma (Holy Spirit)
Established: 1969
Address: Catholic Church, PARSAHI – 495 552, Via Akaltara, Janjgir Champa Dt., CG
Catholics: 150
Parsahi is a village on Akalthara Baloda road 7 km away from both towns. In Benin village there is a grant-in-aid Hindi Medium Primary school started by the Fathers, now run by the Sisters. Parsahi was initially looked after from Jairamnagar (Paraghat Mission). On November 21, 1970, Parsahi became an independent parish and Rev. Fr. Joseph Narikuzhy became the Parish Priest on 10th November 1971. Panahi had its glorious period when food for work program was in full swing. Lots of people were attracted to the church. Janjgir, Champa, and Pipersatti were looked after from Parsahi, Janjgir-Champa and Pipersatti became independent parishes. A small hostel has started functioning for the boys in the parish, looked after by the priest.
The Teresian Carmelite Sisters (CTC) used to teach in the Archdiocesan school. Later on, the school was handed over to the sisters on the condition that they run the school and they have established a full-fledged higher secondary school at Parsahi. There is also a small dispensary here, run by the Sisters.