I am delighted to write this short message of blessings and best wishes at the launching of our Archdiocesan website, www.raipurarchdiocese.in . It is the official site for the Catholic Archdiocese of Raipur, Chhattisgargh, India.
Key to the life of the Church is the ability to communicate and its Mission is to spread by word and deeds the love and message of Jesus Christ. In today’s digital world this website is certainly a great way to communicate the various activities and ministries through which we try to live out God’s love in today’s world. It is primarily intended as a source of information for the people of the Archdiocese and for those visiting it. We hope also that it will enhance our fellowship and be helpful to anyone seeking to be a partner in the Missio Dei in the Archdiocese of Raipur.
It had been our long cherished desire but for reasons, often not under our control, this website kept on getting delayed. However, we are very grateful to all those who have worked hard, especially Rev. Fr. Crosslin Nimal, to make it possible. Our special thanks to the Boscosoft Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Yelagiri Hills, for helping us to bring out this website and Mr. George Joseph, Project Manager of Boscosoft and his colleagues for their constant support in completing it within short period of time. We thank Rev. Fr. Sebastian Poomattam for his great interest, support and guidance for its completion and launch.
Welcome to the website of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Raipur. May God bless us all !!!

We are happy to present you the Directory of the Archdiocese of Raipur and extend our prayerful warm greetings to all of you. It is published after a gap of many years. Much hard labour of many has gone into its preparation and I thank all of them. Various details and information have been updated and some new are added. Thus it offers you a glimpse of our historical past and informs you about our present Archdiocesan Family.
The purpose of this new edition is not merely to provide the latest information about the Archdiocese but also to renew our contact and remain connected with you. We hope it will enhance every aspect of our communication and help us to remain friends in Missio Dei.
Our special appreciation and thanks to Rev. Fathers Sebastian Poomattam, Mathew Mulavana, Joseph Moolakkara, George Kavalam, John Ponnore, George Mary Claret and Crosslin Nimal for their painstaking dedicated work in collecting new information, and compiling them. It is the fruit of a team work and I congratulate the Archdiocesan Curia members who took the challenging task of checking and rechecking the various entries and ensuring its publication.
We do not claim that this Directory is exhaustive in its information and free from error. There are things that one might think could have been added in it, something could have been presented in a different or in a better way. And therefore, we remain open to your kind and generous suggestion in this regard so that the next edition can be improved.
Thanking you all for your friendship, valuable support and cooperation in building the Kingdom of God in our families and Society. May this Directory foster our team spirit and bind us together to work joyfully for the Lord.
God bless!!!
Victor Henry Thakur
Archbishop of Raipur